
Balavihar for the year 2012-13 will start at Cross Roads South Middle School at 10 a.m. on September 16th.

For registering online, visit

We are looking forward for a fun filled year of learning and growing at our balavihar!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Balavihar Week 6- Section 2

November 11, 2012 

We started the class by chanting OM 3 times followed by beginning prayers Sahanaavathu & then we meditated for 2 minutes. Then we did the Guru Stotram upto the 7th verse and concluded with Tvamey va maatha cha verse. 
We sang Radhe Radhe Radhe during Bhajan time.
During chanting time we learnt Bhagvadh Geetha chap 13- verse 1 and 2

We reviewed last  weeks lesson -Matysa Avataraa

Today we learnt the story of Sage Kashyapa  and Hiranyaksha.
The moral of the story is what you Sow is what you Reap.
For example if you sow Mango seeds you get Mango fruit not Apple.
Similarly our thoughts and action need to be clean and pure.

Please ask your kids at home to retell the story.
Next week we will continue and learn a new Avataraa of Lord Vishnu- Varahaa (Boar)

During Likhita Japa time we wrote OM and also talked to kids about upcoming festival - Diwali.
Action Required:

Parents make sure that children bring in a new note book for the likhita japa. From next week on we are going to start new likhita japa and those books will be put under the sanctum of the new temple in Chinmaya Vrindavan.

Happy Diwali! ~ Indira Aunty and Sanjana Didid